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17 februarie 2014

Farmece asupra sebumului | Charms over the sebum ♥

Hei, beauties !

Farmec a reusit mereu sa imi aduca zambetul pe buze.
Mereu ma surprind cu mici atentii, iar eu sunt foarte, foarte fericita !
Girls, sunt super entuziasmata ca am ocazia sa impartasesc cu voi parerile mele despre produsele pline de Farmec, deoarece sunt produse romanesti, sunt ale noastre si ar trebui sa ne bucuram din plin de ele!
Unde mai pui ca sunt si la un pret atat de mic ? I love it ! 
Am o “ colectie “ generoasa de farmece, le folosesc cu mare drag si mereu m-am intors la ele pentru ca nu m-au dezamagit niciodata.
Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre cremuta de noapte Sebo - Control, de la Gerovital Plant gama Forte. Sunteti curioase ? Urmariti in continuare ! 

Farmec has always managed to bring me a smile.
They always surprise me with small gifts, and I am very, very happy!
Girls, I'm super excited to have the opportunity to share with you my opinions about the glamorous products because they are Romanian products, are ours and we should enjoy the most of them!
What is more, the products are at a very low price. I love it! 
I have a generous "collection" of Farmec products, I use them dearly and always got back to them because they do not let me down never.
Today I want to talk about the night cream Sebo - Control from Gerovital Plant Forte range. Are you curious? Follow further ! 

M-a tentat foarte mult sa incerc aceasta crema deoarece este pentru tenul gras, iar dupa cum stiti eu ma confrunt cu aceasta problema, sebumul.
Am pus-o la treaba din ziua in care am primit-o ! Si trebuie sa recunosc ca este perfecta pentru tenul mixt/gras, iar impreuna cu cea matifianta pentru zi de la Farmec, fac o echipa perfecta impotriva sebumului ! ( review AICI )

I was very much tempted to try this cream for oily skin as it is and as you know I confront with this sebum problem.
I put it to work since the day I got it! I must admit that is perfect for combination / oily skin and together with the mattifying day cream from Farmec, make a perfect team against sebum! (review HERE)

 Produsul se prezinta intr-un ambalaj din sticla, cu un capacel din plastic dur. Eu ador produsele ce au ambalajul din sticla, inclusiv cele pentru machiaj. Sunt elegante si mult mai calitative, insa sunt putin mai greu de transportat ca sa nu se sparga, dar mereu am oferit un punct in plus pentru acest aspect ! 
Pe cutiuta gasim toate informatiile necesare.

The product is presented in a glass package with a hard plastic cap. I love products with packaging made ​​of glass, including makeup. Elegant and more qualitative, but are a little harder to carry as not to break, but I always gave an extra point for this layout! 
Find all necessary information on the box.

Textura sa este super lejera, se absoarbe foarte repede in piele fara sa lase acea pelicula grasa/lipicioasa la suprafata. Pielea ramane fina, supla si catifelata la atingere, iar efectul mat se pastreaza timp indelungat. Dimineata nu imi mai simt tenul atat de gras ca si cum m-as fi dat cu ulei, ci hidratata, luminoasa si fresh ! 
Ca si in cazul celei de zi, chiar daca sunt formulate pentru a lupta cu excesul de sebum, acestea nu usuca pielea, ci ii ofera gradul ideal de hidratare.
Tenul meu se impaca foarte bine cu aceste produse si pot sa spun ca excesul de sebum nu mai este o problema pentru mine.

The texture is super light, it absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving a greasy / sticky film on the surface. The skin remains soft, supple and smooth on the touch, and the effect is kept as long matt. In the morning, I am not feeling the skin so greasy like I'd be oiled, but hydrated, bright and fresh! 
As in the case of the day cream, even if they are made ​​to fight excess sebum, they do not dry out the skin, but gives the ideal level of hydration.
My skin gets along very well with these products and I can say that excess sebum is not a problem for me anymore.

Am observat si efectul calmant a acestei creme asupra pielii, in zilele delicate cand aveam cate un cosulet. Roseata este vizibil diminuata, iar inflamatia trece mult mai repede datorita uleiului de Galbenele, care dupa cum bine stiti este cicatrizant si antiinflamator.
Daca sunteti posesoarele unui ten mixt sau gras, va recomand cu drag acest produs. 

I noticed the calming effect of this cream on the skin, in the delicate days when we had a little spot. Redness is visibly reduced and the inflammation passes much faster because calendula oil, which as you know is healing and anti-inflammatory.
If you are possessors of a mixed or oily skin, I recommend this product with love. 

Nu este scump si consider ca merita cumparat si incercat.
Cantitatea este mai mult decat necesara pentru o utilizare pe termen lung, este un produs spornic si se termina destul de greu. 
O gasiti AICI.

It is not expensive and I think it's worth buying and trying.
The amount is more than necessary for long-term use, is more than useful and ends pretty hard. 
You can found it HERE.

Ati incercat acest produs ?
Va plac produsele Farmec ?
Voi cum luptati impotriva excesului de sebum ?

Have you tried this product?
 You like Farmec products?
How you fight against excess sebum?

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